Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3, 2012
The Camino has been calling me since I saw the film "The Way" last fall. After reading Shirley MacLaines book and several other articles I decided this was a challenge I wanted to try. My sister Diane walked it 11 years ago and gave me confidence I could do it. I asked several friends to consider it and really wanted my sister Debbie to come along but it isn't her time I guess. In the end my good friend, Sue Picarello O'Hearn will be joining me May 8th in Spain to walk as a pilgrim The Way of St James. I have been in a walking program for 10 weeks and God willing I can do it.
My Mom's health is a concern and I will be spending a few days with her and my Dad before departing from Pittsburgh next week to Spain. They gave me their blessing.
My children have encouraged me..although some friends think I am crazy.
I am truning off all technology while I walk...but maybe if I trip on an internet cafe I may blog a bit.
Our tour company that sets up housing ( farm houses) along the way..sent a beautiful note.
It stated...If you think you are walking the Camino...think again, The Camino walks you. What ever will be will be. If that means you get blisters and can't walk, or you may be distracted and not walk one day and just look at the sunset...what ever will be will be.
For some reason that made me feel better.
Till then

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