Friday, June 1, 2012

Yellow arrows

Besides the stone markers there are painted yellow arrows that lead you. The story of the painted arrows; in the 1950's a priest in the town of O Cebreiro would greet pilgrims that walked the trail through his town offering them water. Many pilgrims complained they got lost along the trail. So from that day forward each year the priest walked the trail with a small bucket of yellow paint and painted yellow arrows where there may be doubt along the path. His name was Dom Elias Valina Sampredro.

This site gives examples of the variety of markings.

My Camino was about trust in something bigger than myself. It was about listening for that still, small voice and being attentive to those yellow arrows. 

I know that sometimes “what is essential is invisible to the eye,” (The Little Prince ). Love is certainly an essential we cannot see. And so is faith. Faith does not demand proof. Faith demands a willingness to be humble, to listen and accept. The path unfolded in unexpected ways. You must simply trust and move forward and follow the yellow arrows.

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